Features & How the app works
We have tried to make the application as easy to use but still as robust as possible so here are the basic steps in setting up and using the application.
Install the app from the google play store or from itunes store.
Open the Application and you will be asked to “Add New User”
In this screen please enter the following information:
First name
Last name
Email address the email address you want all of your data sent to.
Take a picture this will be the picture used for your profile. We have found in testing some phones require you to take the picture in portrait orientation. If you have a problem taking the picture in landscape mode please turn the phone to portrait mode and try again. If you still have a problem please let us know and include the model and make of your phone
Click on your photo or name to take you to your home screen
From the home screen you can:
Select an animal to view or add weight too by pressing tag number below the icon of the animal to select which tag number you want then press picture of the animal
Enter the setting for your animal’s breeds by pressing the Settings Button
Add Expenses
Add Income
View Reports
Settings Button on home screen should be set up for your animal settings as soon as you can
Click on the settings button and enter all data for the animals you will be raising. Each animal can have different dates but they all must be entered in order for the calculations to work. Otherwise you will see N/A in the fields on the animal detail screen.
Delete Account this will allow you to delete the entire account you are currently working in, including all animals and data, in be very careful once deleted cannot be recovered
In each of the of the speces settings you can enter the Following
Field day Date ( could be “Tag day” or “Initial Weight in day” as it is called something different in every jurisdiction) this is the day when you 1st weigh and tag your animals to set the start of the rate of gain and start all calculations
Fair Weight in Date this is the day for the weigh in for you fair and the end of rate of gain calculations and the date to which the weight of the animal for sale will be set on.
Rate of Gain this is a number based on what every your local organization sets as the minimum rate of gain. So for a 1.5Lbs per day rate of Gain I would enter 1.5
Delete a animal this will alow you to select a tag number to be deleted
Add New Animal Button
First Select Kind of animal Swine, Sheep, Steer, Goat
Next select Breed this list will populate with the main breeds we have found to be used in market shows if you do not see your breed in the drop down please select other and send us a comment and we will see if we can add it
Sex pleas select the Sex of the animal
Date of birth please enter your animals date of birth
Tag number this is a required field and must be entered we realize at this point of buying or entering an animal you probably do not have a final ear tag number but you can change this once you get your permanent one on your tag day or field day. To change the tag number later go to the animal detail screen of this animal and press the Update Animal button.
Date of Purchase this should be the date you purchased the animal and will be used as the first date of a weight on the weight reports
Purchased from this is a required field as well if was raise on your farm just put yourself
Purchased Price if the animal cost you nothing please just enter 0.00
Field Day weight this is the same as Tag Day or Initial weigh day you probably do not have yet please leave blank you can come back and enter this data when you have it by going to the animal detail screen of this animal and press the Update Animal button.
Current Weight this is the 1st weight you will enter for your animal an it will be recorded as the date of purchase date and will be the first date in your weight report
Photo you can take a photo of your animal if you would like
Notes you can add anything you want here and update as you go from the animal detail screen of this animal and press the Update Animal button
Select tag number of the animal you want to enter an expense for
When you elect a tag number it will automatically fill in the next field for you which is important if you are using a shared expense field later on
Date this would be the date of the expense
Cost please enter the dollar value of the expense
Shared expense this is a yes no field and what this field does is if you have 4 animals of the same species and go to the feed store and buy $ 200 worth of food for the animals species in the second field it will split the 200 dollars among all 4 animals so each animal will show the receipt and have ¼ or $50 in this example added to their expenses
Picture of Receipt this will allow you to take a picture of the receipt and store it on your smart phone and have it attached to your report and email it.
Select tag number of the animal you want to enter an expense for
Date this would be the date of the income
Cost please enter the dollar value of the expense
Description of Income
Sold for $ per lbs. price sold at auction per pound.
Main Animal Screen
You get to this screen by clicking from the Home screen and pressing on a animal image
This screen give you a snap shot view of all the animals current weight data along with date of birth, Breed, an Sex
The next field is Field day which is the day your rate of gain starts and the countdown to your fair this date is set in the Setting Screen along with the number of days until the Fair Weight in day. If you have not entered a Field and Fair day this will show up as N/A as soon as you enter these it will automatic update them
Current Weight is the most resent weight entered and by default if no other weights have been entered it is the weight for date of purchase along with the date of the last weight entry next to it
Current rate of gain is exactly that based on the weights and dates you have added it calculates the Rate of gain for you.
Predicted Weight is the using all the dates and data you entered to predict the weight your animal will be on Fair weigh in day. This number will recalculate every time you enter a new weight along with the date of fair weight in date next to it
Must Weigh on Fair day is the minimum weight according to the rate of gain specified in the settings page calculated for you to achieve the rate of gain minimum for your project.
Add new Weight Button allows you to add new weight for specific animal
Update animal button allows you to edit:
Field day weight
Tag number
Delete an Animal
Click on Settings from Home Screen
Click on species animal you want to delete an animal from
Click on Delete animal
Click on the tag number you want deleted
Delete a User
Click on Settings from Home Screen
Click on delete Account
Take a Backup of your Data
Click on Settings from Home Screen
Click Take Backup
Enter Email Address
Enter Password
Restoring your backed up data
After a new installation
Open application press Retore Backup
Enter Email Address
Enter Password