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All about the Application

This is an application designed by a 4-H family after thinking ‘there has to be a better way to handle the raising of livestock as a project’.  When our children started in 4-H, the first year was a big guessing game. Here we were, a new family with sheep and pigs to raise and we knew nothing about raising anything other than a dog.  As the local fair time came around we got really nervous about whether our animals would make the rate of gain and weight requirements to be shown and sold at the fair. 


Needless to say both our sheep and hogs made it, but we decided we did not want to go into the next year facing the same uncertainty about whether our animals would make the grade.  So, using some of the money we made from the sale of our animals we bought a scale (strongly recommend everyone raising an animal for sale should purchase a scale).  Then we created a large Excel spreadsheet to manage the animals’ weights. Unfortunately the spreadsheet was very complex and not easy to use.   The process looked like this; we would go out to the barn and weigh the animals, record their weights and then go into the house and get cleaned up so we could then sit down at the computer and enter the data into our complex Excel spreadsheet.  We did this for two years before we thought there has to be an app for this.  We looked high and low and could not find one anywhere.  As a result, we took on the challenge ourselves to create our own app and Livestock Weights was born. 


In designing the app we realized we could incorporate the recordkeeping component as well.  While creating Livestock Weights, our goal was to create an application that would allow the user to have one place to keep track of their expenses, their animals’ weights, and all the while remain user friendly.


We are confident this app will assist you with your entire livestock animal raising needs. We incorporated everything from receipt storage, to profit and loss analysis, to weight tracking, all in real time!   We are constantly striving to improve our app and we welcome any suggestions to that end.

Screen Shots of our App

Select User
Main Screen
Animal Detail
Add new animal
Add Animal Weight
Animal Settings
Add Expensese
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